Project omschrijving

Dutch language and culture for Expats

As a high educated expat you will manage well with your English in The Netherlands. But if you wish to integrate within the Dutch society, you need to learn Dutch and also learn to understand the Dutch culture.

Why choose Kronenburgh to learn the Dutch language and culture?

The Kronenburgh Language College is specialized in Dutch language courses for higher educated expats (so we do not provide NT1 / NT2 courses).

A large group of expats is present in The Hague, city of Peace and Justice. The Hague is the city where the government is located and also the Royal family. It also explains the presence of various (European) organizations such as the Patent Office, the International Court of Justice, tribunals, universities and many embassies.

As soon as a Dutchman hears that you are from abroad, you will soon be approached in English. Yet mastering the Dutch language is an important factor for quick and successful integration – not only at work, but also in the private environment.

Study program

The Kronenburgh Language and culture courses are intensive.

We expect you to continue to practice intensively between sessions.

During the lessons we always integrate some cultural aspects so that you can integrate even better within Dutch society.

In each lesson we practice with the five language components: reading, listening, speaking, conversations and writing (including spelling and grammar).

We use both print and digital learning materials.

We have our standard fast forward program but also differentiate to your level.

The admission requirements are:

We provide the training on 3 levels: 1F (standard / primary Dutch level), 2 F (4 years secondary school) and 3F (6 years secondary school).

Our courses are intended for higher educated expats. By this we mean that you have obtained a diploma in higher education or started a course at university level. We want to be sure that you have good learning skills so that you can successfully complete the course.

We often advice to start at a lower level to work on the basics, since the digital learning system will allow you to work on a higher level as soon as this is applicable.


For 1F you take the institutional exam of Kronenburgh College. For 2F and 3F you participate in the Dutch government exams. It is not necessary to pass all exams. For example, you can opt for the 2F exam and skip the 1F exam.

Kronenburgh is a private educational institution recognized by the Dutch government and can therefore take these exams.

At the end of the course the teacher will advise you about the level of the exam that you can best take.

When you have passed the exam, you will receive the Kronenburgh Language College institute certificate. If you fail, you will receive a proof of participation with a level indication. You can always take the exam again (there will be new costs). Once achieved parts of the marks remain valid. The highest number counts.


Intensive 1 month

4 weeks, twice a week, 3 hour sessions: 27 hours

Private Intensive

6 weeks, once a week, 3 hour sessions: 18 hours


College fee:

  • Group intensive (4 weeks, 2 sessions per week of 3 hours: total 24 hours): € 384,-
  • Private Intensive (3 hours sessions, total 18 hours): € 1.170,-


(We work with a high school method because Dutch materials for adults often are too focused on illiterate non-Western people, or do not train for the correct exam level.)

digital license, one year, indication € 37,95

Book 1F/2F, indication € 33,95

Book 2F, indication € 33,95

Book 3F, indication € 33,95

Exam fee: € 236,-

Further education

If you past the exams for 1F you move forward to 2F.

If you past the exams for 2F you move forward to 3F.

If you past the exams for 3F you will be performing fine within the Dutch society and business environment.

More information?

You can:

• call: +31 70 3998806
• mail:
• visit: Tuesday evening > Walk-in evening
• meet online: send e-address and time suggestions and receive a ‘zoom’ invitation

Sign up

‘This structured learning system of Kronenburgh “Think – Act – Grow”, just suits me. It stimulates in realising the best results.’
