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Cambridge English – Business English: Preliminary A2 > B1

This exam shows that you can communicate in English in practical, everyday situations. It will give you a good foundation if you want to study for a professional English qualification.

Studying for the B1 Preliminary exam will improve your English so that you can communicate when travelling or dealing with English speakers for work.

This course will prepare you to:

  • express your likes and dislikes, and discuss them with others,
  • understand spoken and written announcements and instructions,
  • write a personal letter or take notes from a meeting or discussion.

During the Cambridge B2 First program you will be trained at the four parts: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking during every session. The trainer will teach you the right way to answer the questions, will work on your test assignment approach and give you tips so that you can attain a high score for the Cambridge B2 First exam.

There will be homework for at a minimum of three hours in between the college days.

The level of your General English should be a minimum A2.

Take a test here.

The test advice must be to take the B1 course.

The Cambridge exam is offered by the Britisch Council.

Kronenburgh plans the registration for the exam in consultation with each individual student.

There are three parts to the Cambridge exam. You do the Reading and Writing and the Listening on the same day. You may need to return to do the Speaking on a different day. You do the Speaking with two examiners and one other exam candidate.

Reading and Writing takes 1.50 hours. Listening 0.50 hours. Speaking 10/12 minutes.

Marks % value: Reading and Writing 50%, Listening 25%, Speaking 25%.

Group Fast forward 2 months: 8 weeks, once a week, 2 hour sessions

Group Intensive 1 month: 4 weeks, twice a week, 2 hour sessions

Private Fast Forward or Intensive: 4 or 8 weeks, once or twice a week, 2 hour sessions (the suggested  number of sessions can be adjusted based on the intake).

College fee:

  • Group Intensive or Fast forward: € 680,-
  • Private Intensive or Fast forward: € 960,-


Complete First Student’s Book with Answers with CD-ROM with Testbank 2nd Edition, ISBN: 9781107501805, Indication: € 57,50 order at

Complete First Workbook with Answers with Audio CD 2nd Edition, ISBN: 9781107663398, Indication € 27,25


Cambridge Examination: € 270,-

You can now migrate to the Cambridge English First – Business Vantage B1 > B2 course.

Cambridge First – Business Vantage is accepted as evidence of English language proficiency for study, work and migration.

Organisations around the world rely on Cambridge First to help them select the right people.

More information?

You can:

• call: +31 70 3998806
• mail:
• visit: Tuesday evening > Walk-in evening
• meet online: send e-address and time suggestions and receive a ‘zoom’ invitation

Sign up

‘This structured learning system of Kronenburgh “Think – Act – Grow”, just suits me. It stimulates in realising the best results.’
